#ThrowbackFashion Evening dress 1996 by Carolina Herrera @HouseofHerrera (American, born Venezuela, 1939)

Here are some creative projects that inspire me in The Metropolitan Museum of Art – The Costume Institute’s Collection. You can see other projects on my Pinterest or on my #ThrowbackFashion.

ThrowbackFashion-Evening dress 1996 by Carolina Herrera (American- born Venezuela- 1939)

Evening dress
Carolina Herrera
(American, born Venezuela, 1939)
Date: fall/winter 1995–96
Culture: American
Medium: silk, linen
Dimensions: Length at CB: 60 in. (152.4 cm)

Continue reading “#ThrowbackFashion Evening dress 1996 by Carolina Herrera @HouseofHerrera (American, born Venezuela, 1939)”

Do you sometimes buy clothing in a larger size in order to avoid any future problems?

By @MissBeik (la version française suit)
We always need to buy clothes, either as a necessity or simply by desire. Each piece of clothing has its own maintenance requirements depending on the types of fibers used. Some fibers are too delicate for the washing machine or dryer and in some cases, both. Some may shrink, fade or start pilling – fluffy fiber balls formed by friction over time. Do you sometimes buy clothing in a larger size in order to avoid any future problems? Do you abstain from certain fabrics to avoid these issues? Do not worry, because this article will give you the proper knowledge to avoid these situations. You will once again be able to enjoy both fabrics and colors.

Que ce soit par nécessité ou par désir, nous avons tous besoin d’acheter, un jour ou l’autre, des vêtements. Fabriqué avec de multiples fibres, chaque vêtement a son entretien. Certaines fibres ne tolèrent pas la laveuse ou la sécheuse et parfois même les deux. Certaines rétrécissent, déteintes ou boulochent – boules de fibres pelucheuses formées par frottement ou usure du tissu. Afin d’éviter tout problème, vous arrive-t-il d’acheter vos vêtements plus grands? Condamnez-vous certaines matières afin de ne pas regretter votre achat après l’entretien? Ne vous en faites plus. Après cet article, vous n’aurez plus peur d’oser les matières et les couleurs.
Continue reading “Do you sometimes buy clothing in a larger size in order to avoid any future problems?”