#MondayAd from USA – @FCKH8: Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism

Facing a future where women are still paid 23% less than men for the same work, and where 1 in 5 women are raped or sexually assaulted in gender-based violence, little girls between 6 and 13 years-old dressed as pretty pink princesses drop F-bombs to draw attention to society’s continued sexism. Asking the question, “What’s more offensive? A little girl saying f*ck or the sexist way society treats girls and women” these adorably articulate little ladies in sparkling tiaras turn the “princess in distress” stereotype on its head and contrast the F-word with words and statistics society should find shocking such as “pay inequality” and “rape.” The video also features a 12 year-old boy wearing a pink gown standing up against sexism saying, “When you tell boys not to ‘act like a girl,’ it’s because you think it’s bad to be a girl.”

Client: FCKH8
Country: United States of America

#MondayAd from USA : @Always: #LikeAGirl

Using #LikeAGirl as an insult is a hard knock against any adolescent girl. And since the rest of puberty’s really no picnic either, it’s easy to see what a huge impact it can have on a girl’s self-confidence.

MondayAd-Always- #LikeAGir

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Here are some creative projects that inspire me in May 2014. You can see other projects on my Pinterest or on my #GoodToKnow.

Good to Know-may 2014


Top 9 Fashion Magazine Covers October 2013 #FashionCover

Here are some Fashion Magazine Cover that inspire me this month. You can see other cover on my Pinterest#FashionCover or on my #FashionPortfolio

VEOIR Takahiro Ogawa American Elle Ruth Hogben Dazed & Confused Pierre Debusschere

Continue reading “Top 9 Fashion Magazine Covers October 2013 #FashionCover”

#ArtMTL Un aperçu des artistes internationaux lors du 4e @VIVAmontreal en collaboration avec 8 autre centres d’artistes de la région montréalaise

Fruit d’une collaboration entre 8 centres d’artistes de la région montréalaise (Articule, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Le Centre Clark, DARE-DARE, Praxis Art Actuel et le Centre
des arts actuels Skol, Verticale – centre d’artistes et Oboro), pour sa quatrième édition, du 1er au 6 octobre, VIVA! Art Action ponctue le calendrier culturel avec des événements réunissant les pratiques de plus de 20 artistes montréalais et internationaux.


Continue reading “#ArtMTL Un aperçu des artistes internationaux lors du 4e @VIVAmontreal en collaboration avec 8 autre centres d’artistes de la région montréalaise”

11 770$ Sunday Outfits inspired by Shelter Island House – Peter Stamberg, Paul Aferiat

duc-c-nguyen-polyvore-Peter Stamberg-Paul Aferiat